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My goal is to solve problems around electrification and decarbonization. I’m focused on building the battery industry, advising investors and startups, and spreading ****information to the world to understand batteries better through Intercalation.

Please contact [email protected] if you’d like to chat.


I am on the business development team at Voltaiq, helping companies build better batteries. Previously, I helped build climate tech startups including About:Energy, Addionics, Gaussion, and Heliotrope.

Batteries are interesting so I cofounded Intercalation to break down technologies and trends. I’ve consulted for climate VCs, startups, government organizations, and angel-invested in early-stage battery companies. I’ve spoken at universities, including Carnegie Mellon and Oxford, and some conferences. Snippets of research in Intercalation Station.

I love music and I cofounded Mixathon48, a platform for virtual music production events reaching 65+ countries. I occasionally produce music.

In school, I worked on energy storage at UC Berkeley, 3D printing at PARC, and spent a summer at AECOM. I hold an MS in Nanotechnology (University of Pennsylvania) and a BS in Chemical Engineering (UC Berkeley).

In my spare time, I’m a sports enthusiast and swam for the Hong Kong National Team. You can usually find me in a pool.